Online Banking


Your Credit Union branch on the Internet! ACCESS your Credit Union when you want, how you want...wherever you are! With ACCESS Online you can find out if a check has cleared, transfer funds between accounts, and download account history 24-hours a day, 7-days a week.Click here to begin using ACCESS Online.

Then type in your Member Number and your Password. Your initial password is your Bank By Phone PIN. If you don't have a Bank By Phone PIN, stop in your local ACCESS FCU office

For your security, you will be required to create an unique login id, and secure password (combination of letters, numbers, and special characters with a minimum length of 8)

List of Services

Online Banking

Access your credit union accounts from any computer that has an internet connection. It's a free, easy and secure way to manage your money.

  • Check account balances.
  • Review recent transactions.
  • See if a check has cleared your account.
  • View images of recently cleared checks.
  • Transfer funds between your accounts.
  • Schedule future and automatically recurring transfers.
  • Account balance email notifications.
  • e-Statements make record keeping easy.
  • Mobile Check Deposit.
  • Mobile Banking gives you access from your mobile phone.
  • Bill Pay lets you pay your bills from a ACCESS Federal Credit Union checking account.
  • Purchase Rewards gives you cash back on debit card purchases.
  • Money Management makes money management and budgeting easy.

View our Online Banking demo


Online Bill Payment Service:

  • Saves you time and money - Pay anyone, anytime, anywhere in the United States with a click of the mouse. No more checks to write, stamps to buy, or trips to the post office.
  • Enter the name, address and account number of the company you want to pay. You can set up one time payments or recurring payments (like your mortgage or rent) and you are able to pay your bills from any computer, tablet or smartphone.
  • State-of-the-art Internet encryption technology protects your personal and account information. Plus all your payee account number information is masked, preventing anyone looking over your shoulder from seeing sensitive information
  • ACCESS-A-Bill is free, for active users. If you sign up and do not use the service for six consecutive calendar months, there will be a small monthly fee for maintaining ACCESS-A-Bill.

To sign up for ACCESS-A-Bill, login to Home Banking and click on the Bill Payment button. Complete the information and click Submit. You will receive confirmation of your acceptance by email within 3 business days.

Mobile Banking

Mobile Banking Image

Get ACCESS in the palm of your hand! You can ACCESS your account anytime and anywhere using your smartphone or tablet! Point your browser to or download our FREE mobile app using our quick links.

Mobile Check Deposit

Deposit that check you just received using the FREE ACCESS FCU Mobile Banking App.

It's easy to enroll:

  • Log into your account using the mobile app
  • Select Check Deposit
  • Read and agree to to the disclosure
  • You will receive email once your enrollment has been accepted, then you're all set to go!

​It's easy to use:

  • Endorse the back of the check with your signature and the words "For Mobile Deposit Only at ACCESS Federal Credit Union"
  • Log into ACCESS Online
  • Select Check Deposit on the bottom task bar
  • Enter the amount of your check
  • Place your check on a flat surface with a contrasting background
  • Avoid shadows
  • Hold your device directly above the check
  • Make sure that your check fits within the markers on your screen
  • Allow the camera to take the picture automatically (it will count down 3... 2... 1... click!)
  • Repeat the previous steps to take a photo of the back of the check.

Tap Snap Deposit Image

Bank by Phone

ACCESS FCU is as close as a touch tone telephone when you use Bank by Phone. Just call Bank by Phone, enter your member number and pin and you'll be able to perform numerous financial transactions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can transfer funds, make loan payments, get balance and history information, find out if a check has cleared and much more. This service is provided to our members free! If you're not set up for Bank by Phone, stop in your local ACCESS FCU office.


e-Statements are a quick, easy and secure way to access your account statement from any computer with internet access. They can also help reduce the risk of identity theft because there's no chance of it being stolen from your mailbox or trash. With these benefits, you won't miss paper statements...

  •     FREE feature of Online Banking.
  •     e-Statements look just like a paper statement.
  •     Available much sooner than paper statements.
  •     Receive an email when your e-Statement is available.
  •     No account information is sent via email.
  •     View, save, or print your statement.
  •     Last 15-months of e-Statements are available for you to access

Do you have more questions about e-Statements?  Click here for e-Statement Facts.

When you're ready to enroll for e-Statements simply access your account via ACCESS online and click on "Additional Services", then click on the "e-Statements" link.

A valid email address is required and it is your responsibility to update your email address with us if it changes.

ACCESS Federal Credit Union e-Statement Disclosure

Terms and Conditions

  • AFCU e-Statement is the electronic version of the paper statement you currently receive.
  • How to sign up:
    Sign into your account in ACCESS Online. Click on the "AFCU e-Statement" button. After you have reviewed (and/or printed) the AFCU e-Statement Disclosure, click on the Accept button at the end of the disclosure.
  • When you click the "Accept" button at the bottom of the disclosure, you agree to accept delivery of disclosures and other information electronically. Further, you understand that you will no longer receive your statement on paper. We will send a confirming email to the email address you have provided us.
  • Each time your AFCU e-Statement is ready, we will send a notification to you (via the email address you have provided). If this email is returned to us for any reason, we will re-send the notification. If the email is returned a second time, we will attempt to contact you by mail or phone.
  • What software is required to view my AFCU e-Statement?
    You already are using it! No further software is required. Any HTML compatible browser works!
  • How to view your AFCU e-Statement:
    Sign on to your account in ACCESS Online. Click the "AFCU e-Statement" button and select the statement (month) you wish to view.
  • You can save your statement to your PC by using your browser's Save As function.
  • How to get a paper copy of your AFCU e-Statement:
    • When you are viewing your AFCU e-Statement, simply press the "Print My Statement" button; or,
    • Contact us and request a paper copy of your statement. There will be a charge associated with this request (please refer to our Fee Schedule for details).
  • How to cancel your AFCU e-Statement:
    Send us your request in writing via regular (post office) mail or send the request from the email address we send your AFCU e-Statement notifications to. We will change your account back to paper statements within two (2) business days of receiving your request.

ACCESS Text Banking

Log into your account in ACCESS Online and set up ACCESS Text Banking. You can check your balance and make a transfer while you're waiting in line to check out at the store! You will also be able to set up alerts to notify you when your balance falls below a predetermined amount, payments clear, or deposits are made.

Money Management

The FinanceWorks feature of Online Banking has been upgraded to Money Management. The new service is an award-winning digital money management platform that allows users to see all their accounts (including those with other financial institutions), track their budget, and watch their spending.




Using Popmoney to pay people is easy and convenient.

  • Now you don't need to write a check or carry cash to pay people.
  • Just use the Popmoney® personal payment service available now inside your online account.  To get started login to ACCESS Online and click on the "move money" tab.

Purchase Rewards

Put your ACCESS Federal Credit Union Visa debit card to work for you with Purchase Rewards! Purchase Rewards are individually chosen offers based on your spending habits. Each offer will be available for a limited time only, and new offers will be added often - so be sure to log in frequently to view the offers available to you!

Here's how it works:

  • Log in to ACCESS Online to see your offers.
  • Click offers to add them to your ACCESS Federal Credit Union Visa debit card.
  • Shop with your card to redeem your selected offers.
  • Enjoy cash back at the end of the next month.

There's no obligation, no limit to the number of offers you will receive, and no cost to earn your rewards!

Bank 2 Bank

Move money easily between your accounts here with us and other financial institutions.  With Bank 2 Bank transfers you can schedule automatic and recurring payments.  To use our Bank 2 Bank transfer feature, login to your account online, and click on the move money tab. It's fast and it's easy.